Tom March

Tom March
Education and the Web

'Nothing is more important than the right-rearing and education of children' - Montaigne

Why I Teach

I've always been obsessed with the riddle of how learning and schooling interact. How can our innate love of learning flourish in the pragmatically essential thing we call school? Are they complementary or mutually exclusive? I turned these thoughts around during my school and university years then received my calling at the age of 23, when I realized there was (to quote Montaigne), nothing more important than the right-rearing and education of children. This has directed by churning thoughts into a professional lifetime of interests and challenges.

The Obligatory Bio

I was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, going through both public and private schools until moving to Madison for university. After graduation, I toured France, followed my brother and the sun to Phoenix, Arizona and then made my way to San Diego. This is where I studied education and taught high school English for over 10 years. I transitioned out of the classroom and into the unveristy through a three-year fellowship during which I was fortunte to be asked to answer one question: 'How can students, teachers, and librarians use the Internet to support learning?' After the millions of questions classroom teachers face every day, this was cognitive delight. This is where I was involved in developing WebQuest, Blue Web'n and Filamentality. You can read more on my main Web site,

Web sites I Like

My main site
This is where I link everything back to

The Edge-ucators Way
Where research-based theories get turned into a pedagogical model

Next Era Ed
Overview for what comes after Assembly Line Schools

Framework for Student-managed Learning

Web and Flow, by This is a personal homepage.
Let's hope it reflects the views and opinions
of the person who posted it.